Saat perjalanan pulang dari kampus, disepanjang pinggir jalan aku selalu melihat pemulung dari yang masih kecil umur 5 tahun sampai umur 60 tahunan. Ya Allah, betapa hina nya diriku ini yang tidak pernah bersyukur atas nikmat yang Engkau berikan sampai detik ini. Kadang kala kita terlalu rakus akan harta yang tidak abadi ini, kita selalu mempergunakannya dengan foya-foya. Lihat lah keluar, masih banyak saudara-saudara kita yang kurang mampu membutuhkan makanan, tempat tinggal, dan lain-lain. Tetapi kita justru membuang-buang makanan yang sangat bergizi dan lezat ini.
Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012
Sifat batu itu meruntuhkan kepercayaanku kepadanya
Terpental jantung ini seperti tersambar petir di siang bolong
Padahal dia hanya duduk terdiam
Tak bergerak
Tak berkutik
Apalagi bergoyah
Padahal dia hanya duduk terdiam
Tak bergerak
Tak berkutik
Apalagi bergoyah
Cobalah kau lihat
Raut wajahnya
Kegundahan hatinya
Sangat jelas diukir dalam wajahnya
Ada apa dengannya?
Aku yang hanya terdiam dan membisu
Tiba-tiba saja dihujat dan diperkosa oleh gerak wajahnya
Aku terkapar seperti tentara yang tertembak di medan perang
Bersimbahlah darah di mata ini olehnya
Semakin lama, semakin menjadi
Dia semakin membuatku hilang seperti ditelan bumi
Sifat batunya membuat aku benar-benar menjauh
Dan prasangka busuk ini selalu mengikutimu
^^Ini kisah aku dengannya^^
Sahabat adalah saudara kedua bagiku. Sahabat teramat istimewa bagiku, tetapi tidak semua orang bisa dijadikan sahabat. Sahabat itu ada disaat kita sedih dan bahagia. Kenangan masa lalu dengan sahabat adalah kenangan yang paling indah dan apabila kita mengingatnya selalu ada hal lucu yang akan membuat kita tertawa.
Kebahagiaan dan kesedihan yang melanda persahabatan ku dengan sendirinya membuat kita saling memahami sifat masing-masing. Aku dan dia mempunyai hobi yang sama, mempunyai kegemaran yang sama. Tidak pernah terlintas sedikitpun rasa bosan diantara kita. Semuanya selalu diselingi ketawa cekikikan yang mengelegar perut serta otak kita. Kebahagiaan selalu menemani kegiatan kita.
Sahabatku, sering terlintas dipikiran ku saat menjelang tidur untuk mengingat hal-hal terdahulu yang kita lakukan. Kapan ya? Kita bisa mengulang semua nya? Sampai sekarang aku masih berharap untuk bisa melakukan banyak aktifitas dengan mu. Walaupun sekarang kita berjauhan, tetapi jalinan persahabatan dan kepedulian antara kita masih terasa.
Minggu, 25 November 2012
Opini dan Saran
Kemacetan di Ibukota
Kemacetan sering menjadi momok tersendiri bagi penduduk yang tinggal di ibukota seperti DKI Jakarta ini. Sadarkah kita, bahwa kemacetan sering sekali membuang waktu berharga yang kita punya. Bagi penduduk ibukota kemacetan bukan lah hal yang begitu asing, hampir setiap harinya jalanan Ibukota dipenuhi oleh kendaraan-kendaraan seperti: mobil, truk, angkot, motor dan lain-lain.
Banyak sekali penyebab timbulnya kemacetan di Ibukota seperti : banyaknya jumlah kendaraan yang melebihi kapasitas pengguna jalan yang sesungguhnya, terjadi kecelakaan di jalan raya (hal ini bisa menimbulkan kemacetan, karena kecelakaan yang terjadi di jalan raya biasanya mengundang banyak warga sekitar yang ingin melihat langsung kecelakaan tersebut sehingga mengganggu arus lalu lintas di jalan tersebut), yang sekarang banyak kita lihat di sepanjang jalan raya adalah adanya parkiran liar (parkiran liar ini sangat lah mengganggu arus lalu lintas karena banyak kendaraan yang parkir sembarangan seperti di pinggir jalan) dan lalu lintas yang kurang terurusi seperti lampu lalu lintas yang tidak bekerja dengan semestinya, ini menimbulkan kemacetan sekaligus kecelakan.
Dari penyebab yang ada bisa mengakibatkan salah satunya kehilangan waktu yang berharga, akibat banyaknya kendaraan di jalan yang tidak seberapa kapasitasnya ini juga dapat menimbulkan polusi udara yang berasal dari asap kendaraan di jalan dan bagi penduduk yang mengalami kemacetan ini sering sekali terkena stres ringan yang membuat nya merasa jenuh, kesal dan marah.
Seharusnya pemerintah Indonesia bisa memberikan solusi atas kemacetan yang ada sejak bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Tidak hanya pemerintah yang harus tergerak hati dan tindakannya untuk mengatasi kemacetan ini tetapi kita sebagai penduduk Indonesia juga harus memberikan dan terlibat dalam menangani kemacetan ini, mungkin dengan memperlebar jalan-jalan yang sering dilalui oleh kendaraan-kendaraan dan kita seharusnya sadar untuk membatasi kendaraan pribadi yang kita gunakan setiap hari. Pemerintah sebetulnya sudah menyediakan sarana transportasi umum untuk mengurangi kemacetan, tetapi karena sedikit dan tidak efektifnya transportasi umum yang diberikan jadi semakin banyak penduduk yang menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dengan alasan kenyaman berkendara.
Seharusnya pemerintah Indonesia bisa memberikan solusi atas kemacetan yang ada sejak bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Tidak hanya pemerintah yang harus tergerak hati dan tindakannya untuk mengatasi kemacetan ini tetapi kita sebagai penduduk Indonesia juga harus memberikan dan terlibat dalam menangani kemacetan ini, mungkin dengan memperlebar jalan-jalan yang sering dilalui oleh kendaraan-kendaraan dan kita seharusnya sadar untuk membatasi kendaraan pribadi yang kita gunakan setiap hari. Pemerintah sebetulnya sudah menyediakan sarana transportasi umum untuk mengurangi kemacetan, tetapi karena sedikit dan tidak efektifnya transportasi umum yang diberikan jadi semakin banyak penduduk yang menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dengan alasan kenyaman berkendara.
Minggu, 18 November 2012
Kekurangan dan Kelebihan Tempat Wisata
Kekurangan dari Pantai Pasir Putih adalah:
- Saat ini kebersihan di Pantai Pasir Putih tidak begitu diperhatikan lagi, tidak seperti dulu yang sangat terjaga kebersihan lingkungan sekitar pantai. Banyak sekali pengunjung yang membuang sampah sembarangan, padahal sudah disediakan tempat sampah di sekitarnya.
- Parkiran yang tersedia di Pantai Pasir Putih untuk memarkirkan kendaraan masih sempit dan tidak teratur.
- Sedikitnya tempat makan disekitar Pantai yang menjajakan makanan khas Lampung, kalu saja ada penjual yang menjual makanan khas Lampung berarti bisa sekaligus memperkenalkan kepada turis tentang makanan tradisional dari Lampung.
- Fasilitas yang disediakan tidak terlalu banyak, sehingga para pengunjung yang datang tidak bisa memilihnya.
- Pantai Pasir Putih sekarang sudah mengalami abrasi yang semakin memprihatinkan.
- Harga tiket yang dijual untuk masuk ke dalam tempat wisata sangat terjangkau.
- Masih banyak pohon rindang di sekitar pantai, bisa digunakan untuk tempat santai-santai atau tempat makan bersama sambil menggelar tikar diatas pasir yang putih.
- Pemandangan di sekitar Pantai yang sangat menakjubkan.
- Transportasi umum untuk menuju ke tempat wisata sangat mudah.
- Disekitar pantai masih banyak warung-warung yang menjual makanan, apabila kita tidak membawa bekal dari rumah.
Selasa, 13 November 2012
The Silver Elephant
There were two peoples worked together in
the office. There name were Eric Warren and Janet West. Eric fell in love with
Janet West, but Janet respon was very slowly. Janet was very pretty and clever
in her office. Eric invited Janet to dinner together, and also they went to the
movies and to theater. Eric hoped Janet married with him, but he didn’t know
about her heart. Eric knew there was another man in that office, his name was
George Perkins. Sometimes, Janet and Goerge Perkins went to dinner together.
Eric was very jealous with George Perkins. Eric was confuse, If Janet chose
George to be her husband.
knew, tomorrow was Janet’s birthday. So, Eric must come to her party. Before
that, Eric went to department store. Eric will buy a unique gift to Janet. He
was confuse what to buy for her birthday? He knew Janet was very like with
jewelry. Eric spellbound when he saw a beautiful silver pin. A beautiful silver
pin has the shape of elephant. He bought that beautiful silver pin to Janet,
because he knew Janet like it. After that, beautiful silver pin put in small
square box. He was sure Janet will be happy. In the evening, Eric hurried up
went to Janet’s birthday party. On the way to Janet’s birthday party, he was
remember about George. He didn’t repeatedly estimate if George was one of the
Janet’s friend.
shocked when he entered Janet’s house. He saw Janet used a beautiful silver pin
too. He repeatedly estimate Janet used that pin from George. He didn’t believe
it. He always think about was the beautiful silver pin, when Janet’s parents
talked with him. And then, her aunt and
her uncle came to Janet’s party. Marie also came to Janet’s party. Finally,
that time for the birthday cake. In the cake there are twenty-one candles on the
Janet’s cake. She looked very happy. Janet make a wish, she wish “she had a
beautiful silver elephant pin” and she blew out all the candles. She told “The
pin on my dress isn’t mine.” This pin was Marie’s pin. Eric shocked and he
smile. This time to open Janet’s gifts and now she opened all her gifts. She
got a box of writing paper from George. She got a typewriter, phonographs
records and book from her family. Then, Janet opened gift from Eric. She looked
very happy, because she got a silver elephant pin like she wanted before. Eric
also be determined for ask to Janet. Eric asked Janet to be his wife.
A Letter
Dear Nindha,
feels like such a long time since the last time I saw you. I know it’s only
several weeks I saw you. So far my holiday is very great and amazing.
spend my all weekends at the village. I am getting a new
experience and I think you have same feeling like me. We live in Bali Village,
Lampung. Do you remember about activity
in Bali Village, Nin?? When the first time we give eat to pig. I feel
afraid and I think you also afraid. The pig is very big, the color’s skin is
very black, and the sound from pig is very scary. But, we can give all food to
pig. After that, we take a bath in the river not in bathroom. The view around
that river is very beautiful. So many trees, stones, etc. We enjoy in the
river. After finish to take a bath, we follow Hindu’s people to pray together
in Pura. And then, we dinner together. It appears, people in that village give
me a good show. Those are tradisional dance from bali, drama about Arwana, ect.
We feel happy this night.
from that event, I get new lesson about tradition in Village bali. I can
socialization with hindu’s people. I can respect to other religi. I love this
holiday with you.
hope the next holiday I can together with you again. There’s only a month and a
half left in holiday. I hope that you
are well and happy holiday with me. Thank you for all my friend.
Fading The Native Language of Lampung in Indonesia
is an instrument for make communication with other people. Based on Chomsky’s
opinion that “the natural proces of
adaptation in language is for make socialization between one individual to another
individual.” Every province has the Native Language. Lampung language is
one of the Native Language in Indonesia. The Native people in Lampung still use
this language.
There are many benefit, if we can
use good Native Language from our province. The Native Language is a symbol for
our identity (where we are come from), The Native Language teach us about good
behavior with our parents, our family, and people arround us. And also teach us
about respect to other people. Native language become center purpose for people
in Indonesia.
this era, Lampung language almost became extinct. The cause of the Native
Language became extinct are because we can’t use a good Native Language arround
us, we are as a young generation doesn’t feel comfort to talk with Native
Language in our community. It’s like ancient language if we talked with that
language. May be, when we was child, our parents doesn’t introduce or teach us
about Native Language from our province. The Native people from Lampung become
immigration to another province seldom to use Native Language because they want to make a good socialize arround
them. In globalization era that Foreign Language become a national Language in
our community. It is more populer than Native Language. This is also can make our
Native Language became extinct.
How to solve this
problem? Do you want if we don’t have Native Language for symbol in our
are some bad effect in that problem. We can’t understand about our Native
Language from each province and also our Native Language will be extinct in
each province.
are as a younger generation must be have big solution to keep our culture.
Language is one of our culture that we have until now.
In my opinion that,
we must keep our Native Language and we can conserve our Native Language. We
can share about our Native Language to another people in different province. We must prought with our language. The other
solution are we must make native language in a book and then make that book
become local lesson in every province.
Have you achieve your state
Native language in Indonesia is a
very important for us. Every province has different Native Language. Native
language also center language that we have.
What is the topic?
topic tells about Native Language. As we know that our native language almost
extinct from our province. This is also the effect from globalization in this
era. So many people more interesting to use English Language or etc that their
native language. Native language is a symbol from our province. The youngest
generaration more interesting to study about foreign language than native
What is the strengthness and the
weakness, if we learn about Native Language?
The strengthness if we learn about
Native Language are we can prought with our language culture, we can keep our
Native Language and this is a symbol from our province.
Beside that, we can study about
foreign language but don’t make Native Language like ancient language. We need
Native Language and the other language, this is for make us get more knowledge.
We need all language become balance.
The Three Weavers Women (Story Telling for German)
The Three Weavers Women
A long time ago, there was a lazy girl
and she never wove serge. Her mother couldn’t decree her daughter for doing anything.
Finally, her mother became angry and flew off the handle and her mother always
beat her. In that moment, there was a beautiful Queen walked past in their home, the Queen stopped in front of
their house because the Queen heard that girl was crying. And then, the queen
inward to the house and asked with the girl “Why your mother beat you until all
of people arround you can hear your bawl.”
Queen asked to her mother “Why you beat your daughter?”
mother was shy because her daughter was very lazy and her mother said that “I
couldn’t interrupt my daughter for wave, my daughter always do this activity
all the time and I was very poor for buy some hemp to wave. “
then, the Queen answered “I was very happy, when I heard sound from
that loom and also when I heard the weaver crooned. Please, I wanted your
daughter lived in my palace. I have many hemp for wave and your daughter can
weave it.”
mother looked happy and the Queen brought the girl in her Palace. When they
arrived in the Palace, the Queen displayed that rooms. There were three rooms,
each room has the best hump and serge in the Palace.
Queen said to that girl “Now you can weave this hemp and if you can
finish it, you will married with my eldest son. May be, you were poor but I
didn’t care about it and this is your hemp for your dowry.”
girl felt afraid because she couldn’t weave anything, although she lived a
hundred years and she sat for weave everyday from morning till night. When she
was aloof, she cried and sat arround three days without touch the loom. On the
third day, the Queen came and when she looked, she dismay that the girl didn’t
finish her job, but the girl has reason why she couldn’t start to weave it, it
was because the girl felt sad go far away from her mother and her house. The
Queen felt same like the girl, but when the Queen will go, she said that “tomorrow,
your job must be finish.”
When the girl was alone again, she
couldn’t do anything to help herself or did what she has to do. In her
confusion, she walked to outside and stayed in the window while she was looking
outside. In that moment, she saw the three women through in front of her. The
first women has the wide and flattened feet,
the second women who has a big lips, the lips flooped over her chin, and the
third women has a very wide mother finger. And then, they stopped in front of
the window and tried to ask anything that she wanted. The girl tried to explain
what did she need and they promised to help her. The girl asked “Did
you want to help me?”
weavers said “But, we have a request. You must invite us to your wedding party and
you weren’t shy because our attendance and called us as your family or your
cousin. And then, we can sit together with you in one table. If you promised,
we can finish this job as soon as posible.”
girls answered “I am promise with all my
heart, coming and starting now.”
And then, the weavers entered the room
and they cleaned up the first room. They did it in order to can sat and put
their loom. The first women pulled out the yarn and started to put her feet at
the button that rounding the weaver’s wheel, the second women saturated the
yarn and the third women slotted and flatted it with her thumbs on the
table, a few time later, the beautiful yarn rolls was falling on the floor and
this is made a beautiful weaving. The girl hid the three weavers from the sight
of the Queen. Everytime, the Queen visited the room and the Queen saw the girl
alone with many beautiful weaving. The girl received distinction from the Queen.
When the first room has empty the weavers began to weave at the second room and
then to the third room until all of hemp had finished to weave. When the three
weavers women will go, they said something to the girl “Don’t forget with our bargain
and everything will be better for you.”
When the girl showed empty room and a large of
weaving, then the Queen arranged the wedding party for that girl and the eldest
son. The eldest son looked very happy because he got a clever and diligent
The girls said that “I had three sisters and because of they
were very kind with me, I will not forget with them when I got a happiness.
Could I invite them to come in my wedding party and sit one table with us?”
The Queen and the Prince said that “You may invite them to come in
this wedding party, there were no reason for us to didn’t invite it.”
When the wedding party began, the three weavers women
came without hide their badness and the girl said “Welcome to my wedding party, my
lovely sisters.”
Prince said “Oh, how can you have a very ugly sister?” And then the Prince
met the first weaver and asked her “How can you have a very wide and flatten
feet?” The first weaver answered “I always got my feet on the loom.”
And then the Prince met the second weaver and asked her “How can you have a big lips
floop over your chin?” The second weaver answered “ I lapped the yarn.” After
that the Prince asked to the third
weaver “How can you have a very wide mother finger?” The third weaver
answered “I always slotted the yarn.”
Then, the Prince said to his wife that the girl must be
stop to weave and don’t touch that loom again. Finally, the girl was loose from
the tired job.
Postingan (Atom)
Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012
Mensyukuri nikmat yang Engkau berikan
Saat perjalanan pulang dari kampus, disepanjang pinggir jalan aku selalu melihat pemulung dari yang masih kecil umur 5 tahun sampai umur 60 tahunan. Ya Allah, betapa hina nya diriku ini yang tidak pernah bersyukur atas nikmat yang Engkau berikan sampai detik ini. Kadang kala kita terlalu rakus akan harta yang tidak abadi ini, kita selalu mempergunakannya dengan foya-foya. Lihat lah keluar, masih banyak saudara-saudara kita yang kurang mampu membutuhkan makanan, tempat tinggal, dan lain-lain. Tetapi kita justru membuang-buang makanan yang sangat bergizi dan lezat ini.
Sifat batu itu meruntuhkan kepercayaanku kepadanya
Terpental jantung ini seperti tersambar petir di siang bolong
Padahal dia hanya duduk terdiam
Tak bergerak
Tak berkutik
Apalagi bergoyah
Padahal dia hanya duduk terdiam
Tak bergerak
Tak berkutik
Apalagi bergoyah
Cobalah kau lihat
Raut wajahnya
Kegundahan hatinya
Sangat jelas diukir dalam wajahnya
Ada apa dengannya?
Aku yang hanya terdiam dan membisu
Tiba-tiba saja dihujat dan diperkosa oleh gerak wajahnya
Aku terkapar seperti tentara yang tertembak di medan perang
Bersimbahlah darah di mata ini olehnya
Semakin lama, semakin menjadi
Dia semakin membuatku hilang seperti ditelan bumi
Sifat batunya membuat aku benar-benar menjauh
Dan prasangka busuk ini selalu mengikutimu
^^Ini kisah aku dengannya^^
Sahabat adalah saudara kedua bagiku. Sahabat teramat istimewa bagiku, tetapi tidak semua orang bisa dijadikan sahabat. Sahabat itu ada disaat kita sedih dan bahagia. Kenangan masa lalu dengan sahabat adalah kenangan yang paling indah dan apabila kita mengingatnya selalu ada hal lucu yang akan membuat kita tertawa.
Kebahagiaan dan kesedihan yang melanda persahabatan ku dengan sendirinya membuat kita saling memahami sifat masing-masing. Aku dan dia mempunyai hobi yang sama, mempunyai kegemaran yang sama. Tidak pernah terlintas sedikitpun rasa bosan diantara kita. Semuanya selalu diselingi ketawa cekikikan yang mengelegar perut serta otak kita. Kebahagiaan selalu menemani kegiatan kita.
Sahabatku, sering terlintas dipikiran ku saat menjelang tidur untuk mengingat hal-hal terdahulu yang kita lakukan. Kapan ya? Kita bisa mengulang semua nya? Sampai sekarang aku masih berharap untuk bisa melakukan banyak aktifitas dengan mu. Walaupun sekarang kita berjauhan, tetapi jalinan persahabatan dan kepedulian antara kita masih terasa.
Minggu, 25 November 2012
Opini dan Saran
Kemacetan di Ibukota
Kemacetan sering menjadi momok tersendiri bagi penduduk yang tinggal di ibukota seperti DKI Jakarta ini. Sadarkah kita, bahwa kemacetan sering sekali membuang waktu berharga yang kita punya. Bagi penduduk ibukota kemacetan bukan lah hal yang begitu asing, hampir setiap harinya jalanan Ibukota dipenuhi oleh kendaraan-kendaraan seperti: mobil, truk, angkot, motor dan lain-lain.
Banyak sekali penyebab timbulnya kemacetan di Ibukota seperti : banyaknya jumlah kendaraan yang melebihi kapasitas pengguna jalan yang sesungguhnya, terjadi kecelakaan di jalan raya (hal ini bisa menimbulkan kemacetan, karena kecelakaan yang terjadi di jalan raya biasanya mengundang banyak warga sekitar yang ingin melihat langsung kecelakaan tersebut sehingga mengganggu arus lalu lintas di jalan tersebut), yang sekarang banyak kita lihat di sepanjang jalan raya adalah adanya parkiran liar (parkiran liar ini sangat lah mengganggu arus lalu lintas karena banyak kendaraan yang parkir sembarangan seperti di pinggir jalan) dan lalu lintas yang kurang terurusi seperti lampu lalu lintas yang tidak bekerja dengan semestinya, ini menimbulkan kemacetan sekaligus kecelakan.
Dari penyebab yang ada bisa mengakibatkan salah satunya kehilangan waktu yang berharga, akibat banyaknya kendaraan di jalan yang tidak seberapa kapasitasnya ini juga dapat menimbulkan polusi udara yang berasal dari asap kendaraan di jalan dan bagi penduduk yang mengalami kemacetan ini sering sekali terkena stres ringan yang membuat nya merasa jenuh, kesal dan marah.
Seharusnya pemerintah Indonesia bisa memberikan solusi atas kemacetan yang ada sejak bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Tidak hanya pemerintah yang harus tergerak hati dan tindakannya untuk mengatasi kemacetan ini tetapi kita sebagai penduduk Indonesia juga harus memberikan dan terlibat dalam menangani kemacetan ini, mungkin dengan memperlebar jalan-jalan yang sering dilalui oleh kendaraan-kendaraan dan kita seharusnya sadar untuk membatasi kendaraan pribadi yang kita gunakan setiap hari. Pemerintah sebetulnya sudah menyediakan sarana transportasi umum untuk mengurangi kemacetan, tetapi karena sedikit dan tidak efektifnya transportasi umum yang diberikan jadi semakin banyak penduduk yang menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dengan alasan kenyaman berkendara.
Seharusnya pemerintah Indonesia bisa memberikan solusi atas kemacetan yang ada sejak bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Tidak hanya pemerintah yang harus tergerak hati dan tindakannya untuk mengatasi kemacetan ini tetapi kita sebagai penduduk Indonesia juga harus memberikan dan terlibat dalam menangani kemacetan ini, mungkin dengan memperlebar jalan-jalan yang sering dilalui oleh kendaraan-kendaraan dan kita seharusnya sadar untuk membatasi kendaraan pribadi yang kita gunakan setiap hari. Pemerintah sebetulnya sudah menyediakan sarana transportasi umum untuk mengurangi kemacetan, tetapi karena sedikit dan tidak efektifnya transportasi umum yang diberikan jadi semakin banyak penduduk yang menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dengan alasan kenyaman berkendara.
Minggu, 18 November 2012
Kekurangan dan Kelebihan Tempat Wisata
Kekurangan dari Pantai Pasir Putih adalah:
- Saat ini kebersihan di Pantai Pasir Putih tidak begitu diperhatikan lagi, tidak seperti dulu yang sangat terjaga kebersihan lingkungan sekitar pantai. Banyak sekali pengunjung yang membuang sampah sembarangan, padahal sudah disediakan tempat sampah di sekitarnya.
- Parkiran yang tersedia di Pantai Pasir Putih untuk memarkirkan kendaraan masih sempit dan tidak teratur.
- Sedikitnya tempat makan disekitar Pantai yang menjajakan makanan khas Lampung, kalu saja ada penjual yang menjual makanan khas Lampung berarti bisa sekaligus memperkenalkan kepada turis tentang makanan tradisional dari Lampung.
- Fasilitas yang disediakan tidak terlalu banyak, sehingga para pengunjung yang datang tidak bisa memilihnya.
- Pantai Pasir Putih sekarang sudah mengalami abrasi yang semakin memprihatinkan.
- Harga tiket yang dijual untuk masuk ke dalam tempat wisata sangat terjangkau.
- Masih banyak pohon rindang di sekitar pantai, bisa digunakan untuk tempat santai-santai atau tempat makan bersama sambil menggelar tikar diatas pasir yang putih.
- Pemandangan di sekitar Pantai yang sangat menakjubkan.
- Transportasi umum untuk menuju ke tempat wisata sangat mudah.
- Disekitar pantai masih banyak warung-warung yang menjual makanan, apabila kita tidak membawa bekal dari rumah.
Selasa, 13 November 2012
The Silver Elephant
There were two peoples worked together in
the office. There name were Eric Warren and Janet West. Eric fell in love with
Janet West, but Janet respon was very slowly. Janet was very pretty and clever
in her office. Eric invited Janet to dinner together, and also they went to the
movies and to theater. Eric hoped Janet married with him, but he didn’t know
about her heart. Eric knew there was another man in that office, his name was
George Perkins. Sometimes, Janet and Goerge Perkins went to dinner together.
Eric was very jealous with George Perkins. Eric was confuse, If Janet chose
George to be her husband.
knew, tomorrow was Janet’s birthday. So, Eric must come to her party. Before
that, Eric went to department store. Eric will buy a unique gift to Janet. He
was confuse what to buy for her birthday? He knew Janet was very like with
jewelry. Eric spellbound when he saw a beautiful silver pin. A beautiful silver
pin has the shape of elephant. He bought that beautiful silver pin to Janet,
because he knew Janet like it. After that, beautiful silver pin put in small
square box. He was sure Janet will be happy. In the evening, Eric hurried up
went to Janet’s birthday party. On the way to Janet’s birthday party, he was
remember about George. He didn’t repeatedly estimate if George was one of the
Janet’s friend.
shocked when he entered Janet’s house. He saw Janet used a beautiful silver pin
too. He repeatedly estimate Janet used that pin from George. He didn’t believe
it. He always think about was the beautiful silver pin, when Janet’s parents
talked with him. And then, her aunt and
her uncle came to Janet’s party. Marie also came to Janet’s party. Finally,
that time for the birthday cake. In the cake there are twenty-one candles on the
Janet’s cake. She looked very happy. Janet make a wish, she wish “she had a
beautiful silver elephant pin” and she blew out all the candles. She told “The
pin on my dress isn’t mine.” This pin was Marie’s pin. Eric shocked and he
smile. This time to open Janet’s gifts and now she opened all her gifts. She
got a box of writing paper from George. She got a typewriter, phonographs
records and book from her family. Then, Janet opened gift from Eric. She looked
very happy, because she got a silver elephant pin like she wanted before. Eric
also be determined for ask to Janet. Eric asked Janet to be his wife.
A Letter
Dear Nindha,
feels like such a long time since the last time I saw you. I know it’s only
several weeks I saw you. So far my holiday is very great and amazing.
spend my all weekends at the village. I am getting a new
experience and I think you have same feeling like me. We live in Bali Village,
Lampung. Do you remember about activity
in Bali Village, Nin?? When the first time we give eat to pig. I feel
afraid and I think you also afraid. The pig is very big, the color’s skin is
very black, and the sound from pig is very scary. But, we can give all food to
pig. After that, we take a bath in the river not in bathroom. The view around
that river is very beautiful. So many trees, stones, etc. We enjoy in the
river. After finish to take a bath, we follow Hindu’s people to pray together
in Pura. And then, we dinner together. It appears, people in that village give
me a good show. Those are tradisional dance from bali, drama about Arwana, ect.
We feel happy this night.
from that event, I get new lesson about tradition in Village bali. I can
socialization with hindu’s people. I can respect to other religi. I love this
holiday with you.
hope the next holiday I can together with you again. There’s only a month and a
half left in holiday. I hope that you
are well and happy holiday with me. Thank you for all my friend.
Fading The Native Language of Lampung in Indonesia
is an instrument for make communication with other people. Based on Chomsky’s
opinion that “the natural proces of
adaptation in language is for make socialization between one individual to another
individual.” Every province has the Native Language. Lampung language is
one of the Native Language in Indonesia. The Native people in Lampung still use
this language.
There are many benefit, if we can
use good Native Language from our province. The Native Language is a symbol for
our identity (where we are come from), The Native Language teach us about good
behavior with our parents, our family, and people arround us. And also teach us
about respect to other people. Native language become center purpose for people
in Indonesia.
this era, Lampung language almost became extinct. The cause of the Native
Language became extinct are because we can’t use a good Native Language arround
us, we are as a young generation doesn’t feel comfort to talk with Native
Language in our community. It’s like ancient language if we talked with that
language. May be, when we was child, our parents doesn’t introduce or teach us
about Native Language from our province. The Native people from Lampung become
immigration to another province seldom to use Native Language because they want to make a good socialize arround
them. In globalization era that Foreign Language become a national Language in
our community. It is more populer than Native Language. This is also can make our
Native Language became extinct.
How to solve this
problem? Do you want if we don’t have Native Language for symbol in our
are some bad effect in that problem. We can’t understand about our Native
Language from each province and also our Native Language will be extinct in
each province.
are as a younger generation must be have big solution to keep our culture.
Language is one of our culture that we have until now.
In my opinion that,
we must keep our Native Language and we can conserve our Native Language. We
can share about our Native Language to another people in different province. We must prought with our language. The other
solution are we must make native language in a book and then make that book
become local lesson in every province.
Have you achieve your state
Native language in Indonesia is a
very important for us. Every province has different Native Language. Native
language also center language that we have.
What is the topic?
topic tells about Native Language. As we know that our native language almost
extinct from our province. This is also the effect from globalization in this
era. So many people more interesting to use English Language or etc that their
native language. Native language is a symbol from our province. The youngest
generaration more interesting to study about foreign language than native
What is the strengthness and the
weakness, if we learn about Native Language?
The strengthness if we learn about
Native Language are we can prought with our language culture, we can keep our
Native Language and this is a symbol from our province.
Beside that, we can study about
foreign language but don’t make Native Language like ancient language. We need
Native Language and the other language, this is for make us get more knowledge.
We need all language become balance.
The Three Weavers Women (Story Telling for German)
The Three Weavers Women
A long time ago, there was a lazy girl
and she never wove serge. Her mother couldn’t decree her daughter for doing anything.
Finally, her mother became angry and flew off the handle and her mother always
beat her. In that moment, there was a beautiful Queen walked past in their home, the Queen stopped in front of
their house because the Queen heard that girl was crying. And then, the queen
inward to the house and asked with the girl “Why your mother beat you until all
of people arround you can hear your bawl.”
Queen asked to her mother “Why you beat your daughter?”
mother was shy because her daughter was very lazy and her mother said that “I
couldn’t interrupt my daughter for wave, my daughter always do this activity
all the time and I was very poor for buy some hemp to wave. “
then, the Queen answered “I was very happy, when I heard sound from
that loom and also when I heard the weaver crooned. Please, I wanted your
daughter lived in my palace. I have many hemp for wave and your daughter can
weave it.”
mother looked happy and the Queen brought the girl in her Palace. When they
arrived in the Palace, the Queen displayed that rooms. There were three rooms,
each room has the best hump and serge in the Palace.
Queen said to that girl “Now you can weave this hemp and if you can
finish it, you will married with my eldest son. May be, you were poor but I
didn’t care about it and this is your hemp for your dowry.”
girl felt afraid because she couldn’t weave anything, although she lived a
hundred years and she sat for weave everyday from morning till night. When she
was aloof, she cried and sat arround three days without touch the loom. On the
third day, the Queen came and when she looked, she dismay that the girl didn’t
finish her job, but the girl has reason why she couldn’t start to weave it, it
was because the girl felt sad go far away from her mother and her house. The
Queen felt same like the girl, but when the Queen will go, she said that “tomorrow,
your job must be finish.”
When the girl was alone again, she
couldn’t do anything to help herself or did what she has to do. In her
confusion, she walked to outside and stayed in the window while she was looking
outside. In that moment, she saw the three women through in front of her. The
first women has the wide and flattened feet,
the second women who has a big lips, the lips flooped over her chin, and the
third women has a very wide mother finger. And then, they stopped in front of
the window and tried to ask anything that she wanted. The girl tried to explain
what did she need and they promised to help her. The girl asked “Did
you want to help me?”
weavers said “But, we have a request. You must invite us to your wedding party and
you weren’t shy because our attendance and called us as your family or your
cousin. And then, we can sit together with you in one table. If you promised,
we can finish this job as soon as posible.”
girls answered “I am promise with all my
heart, coming and starting now.”
And then, the weavers entered the room
and they cleaned up the first room. They did it in order to can sat and put
their loom. The first women pulled out the yarn and started to put her feet at
the button that rounding the weaver’s wheel, the second women saturated the
yarn and the third women slotted and flatted it with her thumbs on the
table, a few time later, the beautiful yarn rolls was falling on the floor and
this is made a beautiful weaving. The girl hid the three weavers from the sight
of the Queen. Everytime, the Queen visited the room and the Queen saw the girl
alone with many beautiful weaving. The girl received distinction from the Queen.
When the first room has empty the weavers began to weave at the second room and
then to the third room until all of hemp had finished to weave. When the three
weavers women will go, they said something to the girl “Don’t forget with our bargain
and everything will be better for you.”
When the girl showed empty room and a large of
weaving, then the Queen arranged the wedding party for that girl and the eldest
son. The eldest son looked very happy because he got a clever and diligent
The girls said that “I had three sisters and because of they
were very kind with me, I will not forget with them when I got a happiness.
Could I invite them to come in my wedding party and sit one table with us?”
The Queen and the Prince said that “You may invite them to come in
this wedding party, there were no reason for us to didn’t invite it.”
When the wedding party began, the three weavers women
came without hide their badness and the girl said “Welcome to my wedding party, my
lovely sisters.”
Prince said “Oh, how can you have a very ugly sister?” And then the Prince
met the first weaver and asked her “How can you have a very wide and flatten
feet?” The first weaver answered “I always got my feet on the loom.”
And then the Prince met the second weaver and asked her “How can you have a big lips
floop over your chin?” The second weaver answered “ I lapped the yarn.” After
that the Prince asked to the third
weaver “How can you have a very wide mother finger?” The third weaver
answered “I always slotted the yarn.”
Then, the Prince said to his wife that the girl must be
stop to weave and don’t touch that loom again. Finally, the girl was loose from
the tired job.
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